A Bit About Me:

Right now, I’m living in New York City and having a whale of a time doing so. I graduated with a BFA in musical theatre from Penn State, along with a minor in Mathematics (because math is beautiful, yaknow?). I’m my happiest when finding my way through the nitty-gritty details of a show with my cast and creatives. Of course, the reward of having the hard work pay off in the form of appreciative audiences might take a close second. I’m always game to stretch myself on stage: I’ve played an old Jewish man, a racist car dealer, a wise-cracking hunchback in Transylvania, a scrappy boy from Brooklyn, and so many unique, previously unnamed members of the ensemble that I got to craft from the ground up — ask me for more about one “Bradley Winters” (if you have the time).



Any other questions? Just hit this button to send me an email directly and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.